First Steps in Chicago

At the beginning of June, a First Steps course involving more than eighty people concluded in Chicago. The organizers celebrated with an outdoor picnic for participants and their families.

Family Summer

Family Summer began on July 4 in Huesca, Spain. More than fifteen families from Croatia, Belarus, Russia, and Lithuania are participating. During the program, Spanish moderators will teach a Matrimonial Love course and a moderators’  training course. This...

UN Resolution

On July 1, the Human Rights Council of the United Nations adopted a resolution on the “contribution of the family to the realization of the right to an adequate standard of living for its members, particularly through its role in poverty eradication and...

Closing event at UCOFA, Seville

On July 2, Ignacio Socías, IFFD director of international relations, gave a lecture as part of the year’s closing event at UCOFA, the Family Enrichment Center of Seville. The event was held at Guadaira College. Socías’s speech dealt with the current...