About IFFD
The International Federation for Family Development (IFFD) is a non-governmental, independent, and non-profit federation, whose primary mission is to support families through training.
Family Enrichment activity began in the mid-sixties with the development of support programs for parents based on the ‘case method’. After more than 30 years’ experience of carrying out these courses, the International Federation for Family Development was founded in Orlando (Florida). The headquarters is in Spain, where the first courses started.
IFFD programs work in 68 countries on the 5 continents in collaboration with an extensive network of volunteers. IFFD is the largest international civil society organization devoted to family development.
IFFD has General Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and regularly organizes international congresses on the family.

1. We are a Federation of non-governmental, non-denominational, non-profit, independent and private Family Enrichment centers.
2. We work in 68 countries on the 5 continents in collaboration with an extensive network of volunteers.
3. Our mission is to empower families around the world; we do not discriminate by race, color, religion, gender, or country of origin.
4. Our experience shows that parents need to learn how to fulfill their task. Both parents are meant to be involved in our programs, so that each one makes their own contribution at an individual, parental and family level.
5. Our courses use the ‘case method’, which promotes dialogue about real situations without imposing our own ideas or dismissing what others may think.
6. Our moderators are volunteers who do not act as teachers, but as parents who are experts at facilitating and guiding these discussions in small groups.
7. Our courses are targeted to groups of parents with children of the same age, and are focused on acquiring appropriate skills for that stage of development.
8. Our advocacy professional activities aims to integrate a family perspective into national, regional and international development agendas through the design and implementation of evidence-based laws, policies and programs.
9. We organize regional and worldwide congresses, which reinforce our identity and help us to share knowledge and best practices.
10. We also promote research projects and other activities to raise awareness of scientific findings and publications to disseminate them.
Olivier Yao
Vice president
Nora Urrea
Javier Vidal Quadras
Antonio Tuñón
Blanca Bonet
Jorge Correa
Jacqueline Scheidl
Andrea Floris
Guillermo Fraile
Conan Shek
Diosdado Marasigan
Raymond Mutura
Caitlin West
Daniella Oliva
Ruza Rebac Dumanić
Management Team
Olivier Yao
Vice president
Nora Urrea
Secretary General
Javier Vidal-Quadras
Director of Communication and International Relations
Ignacio Socías
Antonio Tuñón
Director of IFFD Family Enrichment
Leticia Rodríguez
Representative to the UN
José Alejandro Vázquez
Treasurer Assistant
Natalia Pérez
Office and Projects Manager
Lorena Fernández