IFFD en Bruselas, proyecto FaS

El día 26 de enero Ignacio Socías y Eloïse Leboutte, representando a IFFD, participaron en el II Seminario del proyecto FaS sobre familias inmigrantes, cuyo debate fue muy interesante, al revelarse datos de las investigaciones sobre la abrumadora importancia de los...

World Family Summit+10

The World Family Summit +10 organized by the World Family Organization and the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the Chinese government, has been celebrated in Zhuhai (China), 2-4 December. The results of the 20th Anniversary of the Intenational Year...

IFFD Papers

A series of position papers on current affairs an topics that have to do with family enrichment. IFFD Paper nº 44 Making life possible. The right to family reunification in the Eu and USA. [1st July 2015]

Adolescence course in Quito

During April and May 2015, the parents of Los Pinos school in Quito are participating in an Adolescence course. They show great interest in the issues raised in the course and comment that it is very rewarding. Already parents are talking more with their children....


A Matrimonial Love course began in March in the city of Shenzhen, with thirteen couples participating. A First Steps course is planned at Tak Sun Kindergarten toward the end of 2015. An Adolescence course may also be offered at Tak Sun Secondary school, in Chinese,...