Spain. FERT Association corporate event.
In the midst of a family celebration atmosphere and the solemnity of an academic act, on September 29th an event was held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the association, whose mission is the training of parents. More than 200 attendees took part in the event,...
Celebrating First Steps in Israel
Participants in a First Steps Program pilot in Israel celebrated the end of the course by getting together in a family environment and enjoying a cake baked by one of the participants. The program ended in late September and was promoted by a Family Enrichment...
Expansion in Portugal
On the 13th and 14th of October a training for moderators was held in Lisbon which over 50 people attended. The training was conducted by the Director of IFFD’s Family Enrichment. In the following months, this team will launch the Married Love 1, First Steps and...
LIFE in New York
As every year, at the beginning of Autumn a training session for IFFD Programs’ coordinators was held in the New York region. The LIFE event (Leadership Initiative for Family Enrichment) was held at IESE’s NY headquarters with 40 people attending, including 6...
IFFD Paper 79. Difficult and unsafe journeys
Parents play a key role in launching their children into adulthood. Differences in the resources they provide their children have implications for perpetuating patterns of family inequality. Immigrant status and race/ethnicity are associated with patterns of support...
Presentations in Madrid and Barcelona of the SDGs&Families Global Research Project
27 & 28 September 2018. The Synthesis Report of the SDGs&Families Global Research Project was presented in Barcelona and Madrid, with the participation of many representatives of public authorities and civil society. SynthesisReport Presentation in Madrid:...
Training in Cologne
A special training for families was held in the German city of Cologne on 14th-16th of September. The sessions were conducted by IFFD’s Family Enrichment Director and focused on training young moderators for the Married Love 1 (aimed at young couples in their first...
IFFD Advocacy Workshop
The 2018 IFFD International Advocacy Workshop was held in Madrid (Spain), 4th to 7th September and brought together entry-level professionals of social studies/political science or a related field with a strong interest in family issues. They came from diverse...