3rd Edition of the Family Enrichment Holidays

3rd Edition of the Family Enrichment Holidays

On June 30th the 3rd Edition of the Family Enrichment Holidays (FEH) kicked off. This activity is designed to further qualify moderators and other people who continue to coordinate IFFD’s programs all over the world, although it’s specially directed to European...
Statement ECOSOC High Level Segment 2018 (UN)

Statement ECOSOC High Level Segment 2018 (UN)

The International Federation for Family Development has been one of the six Civil Society Organizations chosen to be heard at the High Level Segment of UN ECOSOC this year (cf. E/2018/67). Alex Vazquez, on behalf of IFFD, addressed an oral statement which mentions the...
1st Venezuelan National Convention

1st Venezuelan National Convention

Families for Families is the coordinating association for IFFD programs in Venezuela. They begun their activities some years ago in Caracas and, in spite of the tough socio-economic situation, through their dedication and decision they managed to bring IFFD courses to...
LAR Convention in Mexico

LAR Convention in Mexico

The LAR Association, responsible for the coordination of the Family Enrichment courses in Mexico, held in Monterrey from May 25th to the 27th its 9th Annual Convention. 200 executives and IFFD courses’ moderators from the 18 “lares” present in the...
Personal Project Sydney launch

Personal Project Sydney launch

Australia is the latest country to launch IFFD’s Personal Project program, aimed at youths from 22 to 32 years old. The first session took place on June 13th in Sydney where 60 participants attended.  
Training session in Asia

Training session in Asia

IFFD’s Director Leticia Rodríguez went on a tour from April 15th – 21st in order to hold training sessions for IFFD programs’ moderators in countries such as Australia, New Zealand and China. The first session was held in Sydney where both actual and future...