Family Congress in Hungary

Family Congress in Hungary

With the participation of more than 600 families and a panel of international speakers, the Congress of the Hungarian association NOE (Nagycsaládosok Országos Egyesülete) has been held in Veszprém, 11-15 July 2018. Marina Robben, IFFD President emeritus, and Ignacio...
IFFD Paper 76. Breaking the silence

IFFD Paper 76. Breaking the silence

Prevention and confrontation of domestic violence. The definition of domestic violence has proven to be more difficult that it may seem. Its victims can’t usually recognize their situation, even more so if we consider that it includes many different forms of physical...
SDGs & Families Global Research Project

SDGs & Families Global Research Project

Presentation of results A roundtable discussion with audience participation was organized by the International Federation for Family Development (IFFD), in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages International, the collaboration of UNICEF, the UN Department of...
Observance of the International Day of Families

Observance of the International Day of Families

Observance of the International Day of Families at United Nations Each year, the U.N. Headquarters in New York celebrates the International Day of Families (May 15th) with a special programme. The 2018 celebration of the International day of Families, titled ‘Families...
International Award

International Award

The Director of Communication and International Relations of the International Federation for Family Development (IFFD), Ignacio Socías, has been granted the 2018 International Award ‘Lluitadors per la Familia’ in Barcelona. More information
Personal Project in Moscow

Personal Project in Moscow

At the end of March the first course of the Personal Project in Moscow was successfully completed.  Last November Академии семьи (Family Academy) organized training for moderators of the program, aimed at young people. They drove this course which covered topics such...
High-Level Meeting in Marseille

High-Level Meeting in Marseille

The most recent presentation of the Project ‘Inclusive Cities for Sustainable Families’ was held in Marseille on April 4th-5th 2018, organized by the Municipality of the City, in partnership with the European Local Inclusion and Social Action Network (ELISAN), the...