XX International Family Congress
London, October 18-20, 2019 IFFD will hold the twentieth edition of its International Family Congress from October 18-20, 2019 at the “QEII Centre” in London. The theme of the congress will be Family, the face of humanity.
IFFD in the General Assembly of the United Nations
IFFD took part in different events held in New York as part of the 72nd period of sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations, which was inaugurated on September 12th. Our presence in this cycle of sessions allows us to transmit to relevant people in the...
The Netherlands
On September 2-3, several training sessions were held in Amsterdam. Leticia Rodríguez, director of Family Enrichment for IFFD, and Will Van Erp, director of Family Enrichment in the Netherlands, delivered a course to train new moderators. In the same city, Leticia...
IFFD Paper 67. Families and sustainable societies
“Our project has been designed to generate comparative, in-depth, and scientifically grounded knowledge about family changes in Europe, their causes, and their consequences. It aims to improve the understanding of the complexity, the pace, the range, and the direction...
2nd Edition of Family Enrichment Holidays
IFFD organized in July the second edition of Family Enrichment Holidays (FEH 2017), establishing its position as a very important event for the training of international moderators and the promotion of IFFD courses, particularly in European countries. Nineteen...
First “Family Summer” in Slovakia
The first “Family Summer” took place from July 30 to August 6 in the holiday park “Orava” in the north of Slovakia, surrounded by beautiful mountains, with 20 families from Slovakia taking part (91 people in total). Family enrichment courses were held for parents in...
Publication on intergenerational relationships
The texts from the presentations and talks at the event “Intergenerational relations in an ageing world” are compiled in this publication. The event, co-organized by IFFD and the Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations, was held on April 4, as part of the...
IFFD Paper 66. Families in a changing society
“The major trends regarding family patterns and structures over the past decades are well known in terms of delayed partnership formation, postponement of childbearing, low fertility, increasing prevalence of less committed relationships, high separation and divorce...