A ‘contract’ to protect the future: Unfold child rights in their provision, protection and participation
While the COVID-19 pandemic has been spreading around the world, the poorest and most vulnerable have been the hardest hit, especially women, children, older persons, persons with disabilities and their families. Stress levels within the family have risen, domestic...
Online Sessions in Nigeria
The Nigerian Association for Family Development has also developed a series of seminars so their work on family education is not left aside. Margaret Aziba Registrar, from Augustine University, led on April 18th an online session via Zoom titled “Raising Kind...
All On-Line Family Enrichment Session
Covid-19 has introduced many changes in our daily life. IFFD, as many other companies and organizations, has adapted to the this changes strengthening the use of technology and video conferences to facilitate the way of continuing with our projects. With such tools,...
PAPERS 96- Lessons from a once-in-a-life experience: Families and family policies after COVID-19
The novelty and fast transmission of the virus has increased by thousands the number of deaths every day. All generations in the family have been affected, with the older generation paying the highest toll. In order to save as many lives as possible, governments have...
Our home is our life
It’s always family time in Family Enrichment. Now that we are confined to our homes, family time is also home time. Family and home have always been synonyms of life. Today, during these difficult times in which we return to the essentials and forget the accessories,...
Report of the UN Secretary General
The last report of the UN Secretary General on family issues is focused on recent family policy trends, mainly in the areas of gender-sensitive social protection, work-family balance, gender equality and family homelessness. Good practices in family policymaking by...
First Steps in Antipolo, The Philippines
Due to the potential health risks involved to COVID-19, more of courses in the world have been postponed until further notice. The safety and health of everyone is the concern of coordinators of IFFD courses on the world. But some countries have carried out...
PAPERS 95- Demographic challenges in the EU (II): Recommendations and conclusions
The EU Green Paper on demographic change comprehensively addressed the nature of the challenge Europe is facing and the urgency to take action. In parallel, the Commission communication ‘Common actions for growth and employment’ described population ageing combined...