XIX International Family Congress- October 2015
Public Affairs |
International Day of FamiliesWe are very excited with the celebration of the International Day of Family next Friday, May 15th. The topic is “Men in Charge? Gender Equality and Children’s Rights in Contemporary Families”. We hope you can follow it online through live streaming. The event will be from 1.15pm to 2.45 pm (-5:00 UTC, Eastern Time). |
IFFD in ParisOn March 27, Marina Robben, president of IFFD, participated in a conference organized by FEPEM at the Palace of Luxembourg in Paris. The conference was titled, “The Necessities of the Family in Relation to Care in the Home,” and it was moderated by Rosita Deluigi of the University of Macerata. |
Participation in the EPAFrom April 24-26, the General Assembly of EPA (European Parents Association) took place in Prague, focusing on “Supporting Parents to Become the Best Primary Educators.” Marina Robben, president of IFFD, was invited to participate in the plenary session and discuss the best international practices in the formation of parents as first educators. |
IFFD BriefingThe IFFD Briefing was celebrated during the 53rd Session of the Commission for Social Development in the United Nations on February 11. During this event, the 2015 IFFD Awards were granted to the High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, for his work in favor of families worldwide not only in his present position, but also during his years of service to United Nations and his country; and also to the Department of Family, Children, Time Use and the Disabled of the City council of Barcelona, because of their City of Barcelona Family Plan 2013-2016, and especially the programme Barcelona is Family, developed during the past months to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family. |
At IFFD HeadquartersThe “Siempre Chile” Foundation began its 2015 formation course in Spain with a meeting at IFFD headquarters, with Ignacio Socías, Director of International Relations of IFFD. |
IFFD in BrusselsOn January 26, Ignacio Socías and Eloise Leboutte represented IFFD at a seminar of the Families and Societies project on immigrants. The discussion was very interesting, in that it revealed details of investigations into the overwhelming importance of parents versus schools and the fact that immigration does not affect family stability. A primary conclusion was the need to study the means for promoting “quality parenting.” |
Second Annual Assembly of FamiliesAndSocieties projectOn 14-16 January, the Director of International Relations of IFFD, Ignacio Socías, has attended the Experts Meeting of the project FamiliesAndSocieties, in which the IFFD is part of the Consortium as a member of the civil society. It was held in the Humanities and Social Science Center of the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) in Madrid. |
New publicationIt includes the papers and other documents presented for the Expert Group Meeting convened in Mexico City on 19-20 May 2014 and organized by IFFD, in cooperation with the NCFR (USA), the Vanier Institute of the Family (Canada) and the UN focal point on the family within DESA. |
United NationsThe official journal of sessions has published the Annual report of the Secretary General of the United Nations on the anniversary 20th of the International year of the family, in which the Secretary General has highlighted the work carried out and promoted by The Family Watch and the IFFD (International Federation for Family Development), the main global family enrichment entity. |
World Family Summit+10The World Family Summit +10 organized by the World Family Organization and the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the Chinese government, has been celebrated in Zhuhai (China), 2-4 December. The results of the 20th Anniversary of the Intenational Year of the Family and the inclusion of family in the new UN Development Goals have been an important part of this meeting. It has been attended by ministers and lawmakers from many countries, as well as representatives of NGOs and civil society, including the Director of International Relations of IFFD, who gave a speech on the topic ‘Civil Society Organizations and Families working together in setting a new course for the world families want’. |
Focus Group on “vulnerable families”The group discussions on ‘vulnerable families’ has taken place on 10 December at the Committee of the Regions of the European Union (Brussels) with the participation of Antonio Polychronakis (Family Justice Center, Rotterdam), Michael Maira (La Ligue des Familles, Belgium), Philippe Seidel (Age Platform Europe), Daniel Wisniewski (WYA), Marina Robben (World President of IFFD) Arne Gericke (Member of the European Parliament, Germany) and Branislav Stanicek (Committee of the Regions). The meeting has been organized by IFFD within the framework of the European collaborative research project FamiliesAndSocieties and was aimed at encouraging discussions between the experts. It was moderated by Prof. Bernhard Riederer from the Austrian Academy of Sciences – Vienna Institute of Demography. |
FAS ProjectThe third newsletter about the Families and Societies Project is now available. This is the most important research project carried out in the framework of the European Union on the situation of the family and whether policies adequately meet their needs. |
Publication on the webThe book on the occasion of the European meeting of experts in Brussels can be downloaded here. |
IFFD PapersA series of position papers on current affairs an topics that have to do with family enrichment. IFFD Paper nº 41 Authoritarian and authoritative parenting. [1st April 2015] |
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