When you talk to your children, do you ever feel like you’re talking to a wall? Is authority command, is it prestige, is it service? Listen to what our experts have to say at Pause.

To answer these questions, Pause by IFFD has launched a new series of videos under the title “Getting your children to listen” where they delve into issues of authority and education. To do so, they counted on the collaboration of six experts: 

María Zalbidea 

/ Trend Analyst 

/ Author of “Cosiendo la brecha digital” (Sewing the Digital Gap)

Authority and Trends: Is it possible to educate with authority today?

Javier Amat

/ Father

/ Lawyer 

Loving your teenage children

Fernando Alberca

/ Writer and counselor 

/ Teacher

Authority and education from 0 to 3 years old

Abby Triguero

/ Teacher

/ Director of Elementary and Pre-school at Agustín Gericó School

Authority: Neither colleague parents nor dictator parents 

Patricia Díez Deustua

/ Doctor in Psychology

/ Family therapist 

You are worth more than your mistakes 

Daniel Jara

/ Teacher

Educating with authority, educating for happiness 

Don’t miss it and subscribe TODAY to Pause. 
