You heard that right, the 2024 IFFD Congress will take place in Cebu, Philippines 🌴. This years theme is FAMILY LIFE AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES. The event will take on 🗓️February 24th – 25th 2024.

We are so excited to finally share the official website for the congress where you can find all the information on:

👉 The 21st World Congress of Family Enrichment (PROGRAM)

👉 The 2nd World Congress of Personal Project (PROGRAM)

👉 And all the Internal Training Events

We’ll be adding new information and updates every week so don’t miss out on anything! 💻

We know that for some of you The Philippines may be far away, but we guarantee it will be the trip of a lifetime! ✈️

Our suggestion is that you start looking for plane tickets and planning this adventure.

Our Speakers👇

Check out the highlights of our last congress in London 👇🇬🇧

What will we do in Cebu? 

1. 🧠 LEARN thanks to awesome speakers from the 5 continents.

2. 🕺🏻 ENJOY thanks to all the effort the amazing local organizing committee is putting into these events.

3. 💕 CONNECT OUR HEARTS, as it has been recently researched by neuroscientists that it can only be done when we are physically together.

4. 🤩 RENEW OUR ENTHUSIASM to work in favor of the family and all the families worldwide.

5. 🙏 SHOW OUR GRATITUDE to the Filipinos for always being the biggest delegation in all our international Congresses.